Happy day to all reading this. As October comes to an end, we are all faced with uncertainty, especially this year. (GO VOTE). As I mentioned in my last post, I'm trying something different by implementing tarot in some of my blog posts. Here's what I pulled this week:

Buy this deck here.
This has been one hell of a year. As we all know, unemployment rates got to an all-time high and hundreds of thousands of people died this year due to Covid-19. Many of us were lucky though, and the worst we faced was our trips being canceled, our favorite restaurants closing, and important milestones being delayed. For the past year, many of us have been sitting on top of so much unused energy and resources. We spend a lot of time at home trying to cultivate (7 pentacles) new skills. I saw numerous people baking, sewing, breadmaking, knitting, and I even witnessed about three people start new businesses. (Shoutout to Magical Jewels by Jackie, St. Pete Thrift, Sixela Crochet.)
Now, as the world has started to slowly open back up, we find ourselves not knowing what to expect. We are literally exploring new waters. As we are forced to step back out into the world, we are filled with fear, curiosity, and caution. We want to maintain the hobbies we gained while in quarantine, but, at the same time, we want to continue where we left off before quarantine. We want to travel, engage in gatherings, and discover that which surrounds us. It's like a new passage (6 swords) has opened up for us.

We need to beware of our desire to explore and get back to new norms, though. We aren't ready for all that yet. Covid-19 is still around, remember? If we go back to doing the same things we were doing before Covid, we're going to start collecting (7 chalices) undesirable experiences, ahem, Covid? The CDC "predicts that 240,000 to 500,000 new cases will likely be reported during the week ending November 14, 2020."
Obviously, this doesn't mean hibernate until 2022 (or maybe it does?). There are safe ways to do things, and there are people with higher knowledge that will continue to guide us, letting us know the safe way to do things. (I'm not trying to preach here, I am as guilty as you. This is what the cards say).

Get this deck here.
12. AMUATA - Sage of Higher Knowledge:"Educate and inform yourself on matters of importance to you . . . Test all opinions, advice, research and alleged facts according to your own intuition and instinct."
Unfortunately, we live in a time (or maybe we always have?) in which those in power spread false information. Presidential debates, anyone? It's up to us to decipher the truth. Thankfully, most of us have access to really smart devices to help us with this task. Here are come safety tips.
Thanks for stopping by! Leave a comment and tell me what you have learned so far this year. Subscribe for more and share if you'd like. Additionally, let me know if there's anything you'd like me to write about.
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